[Haskell-beginners] Re: State Monad for neurons?

Ertugrul Soeylemez es at ertes.de
Thu Jul 29 00:45:03 EDT 2010

Amy de Buitléir <amy at nualeargais.ie> wrote:

> I'm implementing a cyclic neural network. At time t, each neuron will
> update its output based on the outputs (at time t-1) of the neurons
> that it's connected to. It will also update the weights for its
> connections according to some learning rule, and it may destroy a
> connection or create a new one.
> So far, the best way I can think of to do this is to have a master
> list of neurons, and each neuron would know the indices for the other
> neurons it connects to. I'd write a function to update the neuron
> (actually returning a "new" neuron), and then do a "map" over the list
> with that function.
> That seems OK, but I wonder if there's a better way. I suspect the
> State monad could be used for this, but I can't figure out how to put
> the pieces of the puzzle together. Here's what I was thinking:
> - A connection could be a State monad, where the state is the source
> neuron and the current weight, and the result would be the weighted
> input.
> - A neuron could also be a State Monad, where the state is a list of
> connections, and the result is the neuron's output.

When using a State monad, the state is going to be your entire network
together with all neurons and connection weights.  At least this is how
I have done it some time ago.  Just use something like an IntMap and
give the neurons unique names.  Then you can use something like this:

  type NeunetT = StateT NeuralNetwork

  learn :: Monad m =>
    [(Vector Double, Vector Double)] -> NeunetT m Double


  run :: Monad m => Vector Double -> NeunetT m (Vector Double)

A very different, probably more elegant approach to implement ANNs is to
use functional reactive programming.  The 'elerea' library seems to be
suitable for this.

> I've read dozens of monad tutorials, but I can't figure out how to
> trigger all the neurons to update themselves. Is the State Monad
> appropriate for this problem?

A State monad just encodes functions of the following type:

  s -> (a, s)

Unlike a regular function, it passes the state around implicitly.
Instead of accessing function arguments, you 'get' the state.  You
change the state not by returning a new state, but by using the
'set'/'put' functions.  You get a mutable variable-like interface to the
state, but under the hood you really just encode a function of the above


nightmare = unsafePerformIO (getWrongWife >>= sex)

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