[Haskell-beginners] fromIntegral

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at web.de
Fri Oct 1 12:08:10 EDT 2010

On Friday 01 October 2010 17:08:08, Russ Abbott wrote:
> Thanks, Filipe
> I clearly over-stated my case.  I'd like to break it into a number of
> different question.  Please see below.
> On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 10:25 PM, Felipe Lessa 
<felipe.lessa at gmail.com>wrote:
> > I'll try to clarify some concepts.  Please correct me if I am
> > wrong, and please forgive me if I misunderstood you.
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 12:54 AM, Russ Abbott <russ.abbott at gmail.com>
> >
> > wrote:
> > > In explaining fromIntegral, I want to say that it is really a
> > > collection
> >
> > of
> >
> > > overloaded functions:
> > >
> > > Integer -> Double
> > > Int -> Float
> > > ...
> > >
> > > When GHC compiles a line of code with fromIntegral it in, it must
> > > decide
> >
> > at
> >
> > > compile time which of these overloaded functions to compile to. 
> > > This is
> >
> > in
> >
> > > contrast to saying that fromIngetral is a function of the type
> > > (Integral
> >
> > a,
> >
> > > Num b) => a -> b.  In reality there is no (single) function of the
> > > type (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b because (among other things)
> > > every function must map between actual types, but (Integral a, Num
> > > b) => a -> b does not say which actual types are mapped between.
> > >
> > > Is the preceding a reasonable thing to say?
> >
> > First of all, I do think that polymorphic functions are plain ol'
> > functions.  For example
> >
> >  id :: a -> a
> >  id x = x
> >
> > is a function.  Moreover, in GHC 'id' has only one
> > representation, taking a thunk and returning a thunk, so even at
> > the machine code level this is only one function.
> Agree.  I over stated my case.  The same can be said for
>   length  :: [a] -> Int
> It doesn't matter what the type of element in the list is. length runs
> the same way no matter what. So this is pure polymorphism.
> > Now, maybe 'fromIntegral' has something more than polymorphism?
> > Well, it has typeclasses.  But we can represent those as
> > data types, so we could write
> >
> >  fromIntegralD :: Integral a -> Num b -> a -> b
> >  fromIntegralD intrDictA numDictB =
> >    fromIntegral numDictB . toInteger intrDictA
> I'm afraid I don't understand this. Moreover, I couldn't get the
> preceding to load without error.

No wonder, Integral and Num are type classes and not datatypes (unless you 
have defined such datatypes in scope).

The point is, you can represent type classes as dictionaries, e.g.

data Num a = NumDict
    { plus :: a -> a -> a
    , minus :: a -> a -> a
    , ...
    , fromIntegerD :: Integer -> a

data Integral a = IntegralDict
    { quotD :: a -> a -> a
    , ...
    , toIntegerD a

Then a type-class polymorphic function like fromIntegral becomes a function 
with some dictionaries as additional arguments.

foo :: (Class1 a, Class2 b) => a -> b


fooDict :: Class1Dict a -> Class2Dict b -> a -> b

To do that explicitly is of course somewhat cumbersome as one has to always 
carry the dictionaries around and one can have more than one dictionary per 
type (e.g.

intNum1 :: Num Int
intNum1 = NumDict
    { plus = (+)
    , ...
    , fromIntegerD = fromInteger

intNum2 :: Num Int
intNum2 = NumDict
    { plus = quot
    , -- more nonsense
    , fromInteger = const 1

Internally, GHC implements type classes via dictionaries and passes them as 
extra arguments to overloaded functions, as you can see by inspecting the 
Core output (-ddump-simpl).

> > Better yet, the compiler could write this code for us internally.

And GHC does.

> > Now, using thunks we can get a single machine code for
> > 'fromIntegralD' as well.

But that's not terribly efficient, so with -O, GHC tries to eliminate 
dictionaries and use the specialised functions (like 
plusInteger :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer).

> >
> > In sum, I think all functions are really just that, functions.
> >
> > --
> >
> > You may call functions that have typeclass constraints
> > "overloaded functions", but they still are functions.
> >
> > Functions that are polymorphic but do not have constraints are
> > not really overloaded because of parametricity, which means that
> > they can't change the way they work based on the specific choices
> > of types you make.
> I don't understand the preceding paragraph. Would you mind elaborating.

For a function like

length :: [a] -> Int

, because it doesn't know anything about the type a at which it will be 
called, it cannot do anything with the contents of the list (well, it could 
call seq on them, but it would do that for every type), it can only inspect 
the spine of the list.

The code is completely independent of what type of data the pointers to the 
contents point to, so `length [True,False]' and `length [()]' can and do 
call the exact same machine code.

> > > If so, can I say the same sort of thing about constants like 1 and
> > > []? In particular there is no single value []. Instead [] is a
> > > symbol which at compile time must be compiled to the empty list of
> > > some particular type, e.g., [Int].  There is no such Haskell value
> > > as [] :: [a] since [a] (as type) is not an actual type. I want to
> > > say the same thing about 1, i.e., that there is no such Haskell
> > > value as 1 :: (Num t) => t. When the symbol
> >
> > 1
> >
> > > appears in a program, the compiler must decide during compilation
> > > whether
> >
> > it
> >
> > > is intended to be 1::Int or 1::Integer or 1::Double, etc.
> >
> > Well, [a] *is* an actual type, a polymorphic one.
> Here is the example that raised that issue for me. Let's say I define
> null' as follows.
>    null' xs = xs == [ ]
> If I don't include a declaration in the file, Haskell (reasonably)
> concludes the following.
>   > :t null'
>   null' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
> If I write the following at the top level,

You seem to mean the ghci prompt here, not the top level of a module.

> everything is fine.
>   > null' [ ]
>   True
> But if I include the following in the file that defines null', I get an
> error message.
>   test = null' [ ]
>       Ambiguous type variable `a' in the constraint:
>            `Eq a' arising from a use of `null'' at null.hs:6:17-24
>          Probable fix: add a type signature that fixes these type
> variable(s)
> Why is that?

null' has an Eq constraint, so to evaluate test, an Eq dictionary is 
needed, but there's no way to determine which one should be used.

At a lower level, the type of null' is

null' :: EqDict a -> [a] -> Bool

The (hidden) first argument is missing and GHC doesn't know which one to 

At the ghci-prompt, ghci's extended default rules let it selet the Eq 
dictionary of () and all's fine.

In a source file, GHC restricts itself to the default rules specified in 
the language report, which state that for defaulting to take place, at 
least one of the constraints must be a numeric class. There's none here, so 
no defaulting and the type variable of the constraint remains ambiguous.

> And how can it be fixed?  I know I can fix it as follows.
>   test = null' ([ ] :: [Integer])
>   > :reload
>   >
>   > test
>   True

In that situation, I think giving a type signature is the only way¹.

test = null' ([] :: Num a => [a])

also works.

¹ -XExtendedDefaultRules might work too.
> That's what suggested to me that [ ] had to be compiled into a concrete
> value.


null'' [] = True
null'' _ = False

test'' = null'' []

No type class constraints, no problems.

> It seemed to me that similar reasoning applied to things like 1.  How is
> the following explained?
>    Prelude> 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
>    111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
>    it :: (Num t) => t
>    Prelude> maxBound :: Int
>    2147483647
>    it :: Int
>    Prelude> 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 - (1::Int)
>    -954437178
>    it :: Int
> Does it make sense to say that the long string of 1's is really of type
> (Num t) => t?

Integer literals stand for (fromInteger Integer-value-of-literal), so the 
literal itself can have any type belonging to Num. If you force it to have 
a particular type, the corresponding fromInteger function is determined and 
can be applied if the value is needed.

> If so, what does the compiler think it's doing when it processes(?) it
> as an Int so that it can subtract 1 :: Int from it?  It didn't treat it
> as maxBound :: Int.  And yet it didn't generate an error message.

For efficiency, fromInteger wraps, for a b-bit Integral type, the result of 
fromInteger n is n `mod` 2^b.

> Thanks
> -- Russ

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