[Haskell-beginners] Haskell Package for Mac issues

Andrew n marshall andrew.n.marshall at gmail.com
Tue Apr 5 22:38:37 CEST 2011

On 4/5/11 12:53 PM, Andrew n marshall wrote:
> Downloaded the 32bit Haskell Platform, and now things seem to work.  
> 64bit build seems to be the root cause.

Strike that.   I had forgotten that I left a 10.5 SDK symlink in place, 
which I think I'm going to live with for the time being. <sigh>

Also... I forgot to run brew update before installing ghc, which gave me 
the older version.  Looking through the Homebrew formulas, I see 
Homebrew is suppose to install ghc 7.0.3

> On 4/5/11 9:48 AM, Benedict Eastaugh wrote:
>> On 5 April 2011 16:46, Andrew n 
>> marshall<andrew.n.marshall at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> I've been using the Haskell package for the last week to learn 
>>> Haskell, but
>>> I've found several issues that make it feel like abandonware (which 
>>> I know
>>> its not).
>>> I'm running OS X 10.6.7 with XCode 4 and installed the Haskell Platform
>>> 2011.2.0.0-x86_64.pkg.
>>> (I just realized this is labeled an experiment build.  I hope that 
>>> isn't the
>>> root of my problems.  Tell me if it is.)
>> Have you considered installing the Haskell Platform and GHC with
>> Homebrew instead? I haven't installed XCode 4 yet, but Homebrew does
>> make installing new versions of GHC and the Platform pretty painless.
>> http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/

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