[Haskell-beginners] Monadic Project Euler 1

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Thu Feb 17 23:41:02 CET 2011

On Thursday 17 February 2011 22:02:58, Javier M Mora wrote:
> Yes, I'm trying to learn/practice Design Patterns in Haskell making
> euler problems three times:
> 1. Non Monad

That's easy for this one. And I don't think this problem lends itself well 
to a monadic approach (it can be done okay enough with a State and/or 
Writer, but it still seems artificial to use those).

> 2. Ad-hoc Monad

The problem is too specialised to fit a custom Monad to it, I think. 
There's only one (base) type involved, so you have not enough to find out 
how (>>=) :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b should work.

> 3. Standard Monad

State 1:

import Data.List (partition)

multiples :: Integral a => a -> State [a] [a]
multiples k = state (partition (\m -> m `mod` k == 0))
-- if you use mtl-1.*, replace the lowercase state with State

-- could also be any Integral type
euler1M :: [Integer] -> State [Integer] Integer
euler1M nums = do
    mlists <- mapM multiples nums
    return (sum $ concat mlists)

-- or, special and not general
-- euler1 :: State [Integer] Integer
-- euler1M = do
--     m3 <- multiples 3
--     m5 <- multiples 5
--     return (sum m3 + sum m5)

euler1 :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
euler1 nums limit = evalState (euler1M nums) [1 .. limit-1]

answer = euler1 [3,5] 1000

State 2:

import Data.List (partition)

multiples :: Integral a => a -> State ([a],[a]) ()
multiples k = state $ \(v,c) ->
    let (nv,nc) = partition (\m -> m `mod` k == 0) c
    in ((), (nv ++ v, nc))

validSum :: Num a => State ([a],[a]) a
validSum = state $ \s@(v,_) -> (sum v, s)

euler1M :: Integral a => [a] -> State ([a],[a]) a
euler1M nums = do
    mapM_ multiples nums


import Data.List (partition)

multiples :: Integral a => [a] -> a -> Writer [a] [a]
multiples candidates k = 
      writer (partition (\m -> m `mod` k /= 0) candidates
-- For mtl-1.*, that has to be Writer

euler1M :: Integral a => [a] -> [a] -> Writer [a] [a]
euler1M = foldM multiples

euler1 :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Integer
euler1 nums limit = sum . execWriter $ euler1M [1 .. limit-1] nums

Really, there are problems that lend themselves better to a monadic 

> Thank you for help me in the 3rd Stage. I was trying to solve 2nd Stage.
> :-(

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