[Haskell-beginners] Recursive update of Records with IO

Daniel Fischer daniel.is.fischer at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 10 14:50:52 CEST 2011

On Monday 10 October 2011, 13:53:17, Alia wrote:
> Hi folks,
> (Apologies if there is duplication, I didn't see my post archived so I
> assumed I had to subscribe to be able to post)
> In the hope of tapping the collective wisdom, I'd like to share a
> problem which seems to be worth sharing: how to recursively update a
> single record instance with a list of IO tainted functions.
> A simple pure IO-less version of what I am trying to do is probably the
> best way to explain this:
> <pure_version>
> module Test
> where
> data Person = Person {name :: String, age :: Int} deriving Show
> setName :: String -> Person -> Person
> setName s p = p {name=s}
> setAge :: Int -> Person -> Person
> setAge i p = p {age=i}
> update :: [Person -> Person] -> Person -> Person
> update [] p  = p

> update
>  [f] p = f p

This clause is unnecessary, you can omit it.

> update (f:fs) p = update fs p'
>     where
>         p' = f p
> p1 = Person {name="sue", age=12}
> p2 = update [(setName "sam"), (setAge 32)] p1
> </pure_version>
> This works very nicely.

Note that update is a special case of a very general pattern, a fold.
In this case a left fold, since you're combining the functions with the 
person in the order the functions appear in the list.

Prelude> :t foldl
foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a

The type of your list elements is b = (Person -> Person),
the initial value has type a = Person.

So what's missing to use foldl is the function of type
(a -> b -> a), here (Person -> (Person -> Person) -> Person).
Now, to combine a Person with a (Person -> Person) function to yield a 
Person, there are two obvious choices,
1. const: const p f = p  -- obviously not what we want here
2. application: app p f = f p -- i.e. app = flip ($).

We can define a pretty operator for that,

infixl 0 |>

(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
x |> f = f x

and get

update fs p = foldl (|>) p fs

Note: foldl is almost never what you want, instead you want foldl' from 
Data.List, see e.g.
But it doesn't matter here, as Person is defined, foldl' won't give you 
enough strictness if the list of functions is long; but the list of person-
updaters will surely be short in general.

For completeness, the type of the right-fold, foldr:

Prelude> :t foldr
foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b

> Now if the setter functions involve some IO, I believe the type
> signatures should probably look like this:
> setName :: String -> Person -> IO Person
> setAge :: Int -> Person -> IO Person
> update :: [Person -> IO Person] -> Person -> IO Person
> and the setter functions should look like this for example:
> setName :: String -> Person -> IO Person
> setName s p = do
>     putStrLn "setting name"
>     return p {name=s}
> setAge :: Int -> Person -> IO Person
> setAge i p = do
>     putStrLn "setting age"
>     return p {age=i}
> but I'm stuck on how
>  the update function would look.. Any help would be much appreciated.

We can closely follow the pure case,

update [] p = return p  -- nothing else we could do
update (f:fs) p = do
  p' <- f p
  update fs p'

The main difference is that instead of binding the updated person with a 
where or let, as in the pure case, we bind it in the IO-monad, since that's 
f's result type.

Instead of coding the recursion ourselves, we can also use a standard 
combinator here,

Prelude Control.Monad> :i foldM
foldM :: Monad m => (a -> b -> m a) -> a -> [b] -> m a
        -- Defined in Control.Monad

The Monad here is IO, a again is Person, and b is now
(Person -> IO Person).

For the combinator
Person -> (Person -> IO Person) -> IO Person
there are again two obvious possibilities,
1. return -- analogous to const
2. application, (|>)

and the IO-version becomes

import Control.Monad

update fs p = foldM (|>) p fs

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