[Haskell-beginners] joining lists sharing multiple type classes

Christopher Howard christopher.howard at frigidcode.com
Fri Aug 31 23:43:53 CEST 2012

On 08/31/2012 12:16 PM, Sergey Mironov wrote:
> Yes, you can't concat [Star] and [Asteroid] because they are of different type.
> Lets assume that Animation is defined as follows
> class Animation a where
> 	feed :: GraphicSystem -> a -> IO () -- feeds a to graphic system
> and we have
> instance Animation Star where ...
> instance Animation Asteroid where ...
> than we can do
> game_cycle :: ([Star],[Asteroid]) -> GraphicSystem -> IO ()
> game_cycle world@(stars, asteroids) gs = do
>     mapM (feed gs) stars
>     mapM (feed gs) asteroids
>     return ()

This would probably work, though it evades my principle inquiry, i.e.,
how to purposely downgrade multiple types which belong to the same type
classes into a single type.

> but not
> game_cycle :: ([Star],[Asteroid]) -> GraphicSystem -> IO ()
> game_cycle world@(stars, asteroids) gs = do
>     mapM (feed gs) (stars ++ asteroids) -- type mismatch
>     return ()
> If you absolutly sure, that you really need a single list of all objects,
> consider using single type for them!
> data WorldObject = Star ... | Asteroid ...
> Sergey

This approach is not modular... some of my types will be quite complex
and I would rather have them as their own separate data types in their
own module, rather than one monstrous type.

Looking into this some more... I think what was actually looking for was
existential quantification. That is, I could define a third type:

data Displayable = forall a. (Locatable a, Animation a) => Displayable a

Then I could map this constructor over the other two lists and
concatenate them. This would allow me to use functions from both type
classes in operations on the list members, provided that I extract the
polymorphic component first. I haven't applied it to my actual code yet,
but here is a sort of test case that compiles:

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}

class CA a where

  f :: a -> Double

class CB a where

  g :: a -> Integer

data D1 = D1 Integer

data D2 = D2 Integer

instance CA D1 where

  f (D1 x) = fromInteger x + 2.0

instance CB D1 where

  g (D1 x) = x + 3

instance CA D2 where

  f (D2 x) = fromInteger x + 3.0

instance CB D2 where

  g (D2 x) = x + 1

data E = forall a. (CA a, CB a) => E a

d1 = map E [D1 23]
d2 = map E [D2 4]

l = d1 ++ d2

r :: E -> Double
r (E x) = fromInteger (g x) + f x

result = map r l

*Main> :load "/scratch/cmhoward/test0/plist.hs"
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /scratch/cmhoward/test0/plist.hs,
interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> result

Though, I'm not sure if that is simpler than your first suggestion in
this particular case. But it is certainly more interesting!


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