[Haskell-beginners] Excellent illustration of using the Haskell types -- revising Richard Bird's floor function so that it works properly

Kim-Ee Yeoh ky3 at atamo.com
Sun Nov 4 16:50:05 CET 2012


I have only the first edition at hand so I don't have the big picture of
what's going on. My guess is that based on the year of publication (1998)
of the 2nd edition, Bird was writing at a time when the Num typeclass
hierarchy was still in flux and simply wasn't what it is today.

Some comments:

> The type of 0 is ambiguous, it could be an Integer or it could be a
Double. This ambiguity can be seen by checking its type using WinGHCi:

> :type 0
> 0 :: Num a => a"

Rather than ambiguous, it's better to say that 0 is polymorphic. Or that
it's a Num-constrained expression. The definitive meaning of ambiguous is
whatever the type checker reports as such. ;)

> The datatype Double falls within the class Fractional.

Better to say: there is an instance of Double for the class Fractional. The
idea of "falling" suggests it's all forced upon the language by the Powers
That Be. It's not. There's a declaration for the instance in the prelude.
And the prelude can be suppressed.

> Fundamental rule of Haskell: you cannot compare an Integer against a
Double, you can only compare a Double against a Double.

You didn't quite ask it this way, but let me treat it as a question: Is it
possible to create a typeclass with a method compare that takes 2
independently varying types? You're correct: No, it can't be done if you
restrict yourself to Haskell98. However, multi-parameter typeclasses are
extremely well-supported and widely used both depth- (historically) and
breadth-wise (non-GHC).

> Here is the signature for floor:
> floor :: (Fractional a, Ord a, Real c) => a -> c
> Read as: Invoke function floor with a Fractional (Double) value and it
will return a Real (Integer) value.

Better to read as "floor takes a Fractional and Ord-constrained input and
produces a Real-constrained output." Why does this help Haskell learners?
Because writing the following is plenty common:

floor :: Fractional a -> Real c
sequence :: [Monad a] -> Monad [a]

Must. Keep. Types. And. Type classes. Distinct.

That said, awareness of the importance of speaking out code is a strong
sign of success in learning the language. In due course those
combinator-laden expressions won't seem such a dense fog of arcane symbols.

Really impressed at your making notes and publishing them. I look forward
to more of your tutorials!

-- Kim-Ee

On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 4:40 PM, Costello, Roger L. <costello at mitre.org>wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> On page 82 of the book "Introduction to Functional Programming using
> Haskell" the author Richard Bird provides this sample implementation of the
> floor function:
> floor x  =  searchFrom 0
>                 where   searchFrom      =  decrease . upper . lower
>                                 lower                   =  until (<=x)
> decrease
>                                 upper                   =  until (>x)
> increase
>                                 decrease n      =  n - 1
>                                 increase n      =  n + 1
> The problem with that implementation is that it does not return an Integer
> value; rather, it returns a decimal (Double) value. Here's an example:
>         floor (-3.4)    -- returns (-4.0)
> That is wrong. The specification for floor says that it "maps a value of
> type Float to a value of type Integer." Clearly it is not producing an
> Integer result.
> I will now explain how to revise floor so that it returns an Integer
> value. In the process we will see an excellent illustration of the Haskell
> types.
> The heart of the problem is with the until function.
> Here is how Richard Bird implements it:
> until           ::  (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
> until p f y     =  if p y then y else until p f (f y)
> It takes three arguments, p, f, and y. Look at the signature of that
> function. The type of the third argument, y, dictates the type of the other
> arguments and the type of the result--whatever type y is, the other
> arguments must be the same type and the result must be the same type.
> Function until is first invoked by function lower:
>         lower  =  until (<=x) decrease 0
> Here are the three arguments provided to function until:
> (1)  p is the partial function (<=x), where x is the input to the floor
> function. Suppose x is this value: x  =  (-3.4)
> (2)  f is the function decrease
> (3)  y is 0
> Now you may argue, "Hey, the third argument, y, is 0 and that's an
> Integer, so clearly the result of function until will be an Integer."
> However, that is not correct. The type of 0 is ambiguous, it could be an
> Integer or it could be a Double. This ambiguity can be seen by checking its
> type using WinGHCi:
> :type 0
> 0 :: Num a => a
> The class Num is high up in Haskell's type hierarchy and it represents any
> number (Integer, Double, etc.). Thus, we cannot determine the type of
> function until's result just by examining its third argument. The other
> arguments will determine whether the 0 is an Integer or a Double.  Let's
> examine the first argument:
>         p is the partial function (<=x), where x  =  (-3.4)
> p compares "some value" against (-3.4). Let's check the type of (-3.4)
> using WinGHCi:
> :type (-3.4)
> (-3.4) :: Fractional a => a
> The datatype Double falls within the class Fractional. So p compares "some
> value" against a Double.
>         Fundamental rule of Haskell: you cannot compare an
>         Integer against a Double, you can only compare a
>         Double against a Double.
> Recall that p compares "some value" against (-3.4). What is that "some
> value"? If we examine the body of function until we see that it is the
> third argument, y, and we know that y  =  0. Ah, now we know how Haskell
> will treat 0: since the 0 is being compared against a Double value Haskell
> will treat the 0 as a Double. Okay, now that we know the type of y we can
> plug it into the type signature for function until:
> until  ::  (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> Double -> a
> All a's must be of the same type, so the other a's must also be Double:
> until  ::  (Double -> Bool) -> (Double -> Double) -> Double -> Double
> Therefore function until will return a Double value. For example:
>         until (<=x) decrease 0          -- returns (0.0)
> The output of function until is assigned to function lower:
>         lower  =  until (<=x) decrease
> So the result of function lower is a Double value.
> The output of lower is then input to upper and the Double datatype
> propagates through the entire chain of composed functions:
>         decrease . upper . lower
> The result of function floor is therefore a Double value.
> Okay, so how do we get floor to return an Integer value? The key is to
> prevent p in function until from casting the type of y to a Double. Recall
> function lower:
> lower  =  until (<=x) decrease 0
> Notice that p is this partial function:
>         (<=x)
> We must modify p to express, "Hey, compare x against an Integer value that
> has been cast to a Double value." That is implemented using a Lambda
> (anonymous) function:
>         (\a -> (realToFrac a) <= x)
> Read that as: For whatever value, a, is provided convert it to a
> Fractional (Double) value and then compare it to x.
> Wow!
> So we are telling Haskell that the 0 is not to be treated as a Fractional
> (Double) value, it is to be treated as a Real (Integer) value.
> At last, we can implement function floor and it will return the desired
> Integer result:
> floor x = searchFrom 0
>                 where   searchFrom      =       decrease . upper . lower
>                         lower           =       until (\a -> (realToFrac
> a) <= x) decrease
>                         upper           =       until (\a -> (realToFrac
> a) > x) increase
>                         decrease n      =       n - 1
>                         increase n      =       n + 1
> Notice that wherever function until is called (in lower and upper), the
> first argument, p, is a Lambda (anonymous) function that takes its
> argument, a, and casts it from a Real (Integer) value to a Fractional
> (Double) value. Here are a couple examples of using this revised floor
> function:
>         floor (-3.4)    -- returns (-4)
>         floor 3.4       -- returns 3
> Notice that floor now returns an Integer value, which is what we want.
> Here is the signature for floor:
> floor :: (Fractional a, Ord a, Real c) => a -> c
> Read as: Invoke function floor with a Fractional (Double) value and it
> will return a Real (Integer) value.
> On page 83 Richard Bird shows a second version of function floor that uses
> a binary search:
> floor x = searchFrom (-1, 1)
>                 where   searchFrom = fst . middle . cross(lower, upper)
>                         lower = until (<= x) double
>                         upper = until (> x) double
>                         middle = until done improve
>                         done (m, n) = (m + 1 == n)
>                         improve (m, n)  =  if p <= x then (p, n) else (m,
> p)
>                                                  where p = (m + n) div 2
> That has multiple problems. First, it is syntactically not a well-formed
> Haskell program because the div operator (on the last line) must have back
> ticks ( ` ) surrounding it:
>                                 where p = (m + n) `div` 2
> Second, the functions lower and upper invoke function until. The first
> argument to until must be a Lambda function as described above:
>                         lower = until (\m -> (realToFrac m) <= x) double
>                         upper = until (\n -> (realToFrac n) > x) double
> Third, the function improve compares p (an Integer) against x (a Double),
> so p must be cast to a Fractional (Double) value:
>                         improve (m, n)  =  if (realToFrac p) <= x then (p,
> n) else (m, p)
>                                                    where p = (m + n) div 2
> With those three changes the function works as desired:
> floor x = searchFrom (-1, 1)
>                 where   searchFrom = fst . middle . cross(lower, upper)
>                         lower = until (\m -> (realToFrac m) <= x) double
>                         upper = until (\n -> (realToFrac n) > x) double
>                         middle = until done improve
>                         done (m, n) = (m + 1 == n)
>                         improve (m, n)  =  if (realToFrac p) <= x then (p,
> n) else (m, p)
>                                                    where p = (m + n) `div`
> 2
> Here are a couple examples of using the revised floor function:
>         floor (-3.4)    -- returns (-4)
>         floor 3.4       -- returns 3
> Notice that floor now returns an Integer value, which is what we want.
> Here is the signature for floor:
> floor :: (Fractional a, Ord a, Real c) => a -> c
> Read as: Invoke function floor with a Fractional (Double) value and it
> will return a Real (Integer) value.
> /Roger
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