[Haskell-beginners] Mapping list over datatype using Traversable and State monad.

Brent Yorgey byorgey at seas.upenn.edu
Mon Sep 24 22:35:45 CEST 2012

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 11:15:49PM +0400, Dmitriy Matrosov wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a data type
>     data Line a         = Line [a] [a]
> which groups elements into "ordered" (first list) and "other" (second list)
> ones. And i want a functions representing Line, which actually has two
> heads (one from 1st list and one from 2nd), as single-headed. In other words,
> i want to map a list over Line (preserving Line structure), i.e. implement a
> function with type
>     f :: [a -> b] -> Line a
> I have done this using Traversable
>     import Data.Monoid
>     import qualified Data.Foldable as F
>     import qualified Data.Traversable as T
>     import Control.Applicative
>     import Control.Monad.State
>     instance Functor Line where
> 	fmap f (Line xs ys) = Line (map f xs) (map f ys)
>     instance F.Foldable Line where
> 	foldMap f (Line xs ys)  = (F.foldMap f xs) `mappend` (F.foldMap f ys)
>     instance T.Traversable Line where
> 	traverse f (Line xs ys) = Line <$> (T.traverse f xs) <*> (T.traverse f ys)
> and my function (which actually used for adding separators (sp ++) into (Line
> String), and i don't want to add separator before the first element,
> regardless of whether first element is "ordered" or "other") looks like
>     inlineSeps :: (a -> a) -> Line a -> Line a
>     inlineSeps g        = fst . flip runState (id : repeat g) . T.mapM f
>       where
> 	f x             = do
> 			    (f : fs) <- get
> 			    put fs
> 			    return (f x)
> It works, but i'm not sure whether using state monad here is good? And whether
> this is good solution for such problem at all?

This seems reasonable to me.  If you tried to implement it "directly"
you would end up with awkward special cases for when the first list is
empty, and so on; I like how this solution uses Traversable to
abstract away from the actual structure of Lines.

My one suggestion might be to abstract out the "zippy apply" pattern,
like so:

  zipApp :: Traversable f => [a -> b] -> f a -> f b
  zipApp fs = fst . flip runState fs . T.mapM f
      f x = ... etc, same as above

Then inlineSeps g = zipApp (id : repeat g), and you can reuse zipApp
for other things.


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