[Haskell-beginners] Using my first map instance

Darren Grant therealkludgy at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 03:22:56 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I'm working on project euler problem 14, whose solution is the maximum
Collatz chain length for all natural numbers less than 1-million.

The naive approach takes too long to execute:

  collatz 1 = [1]
  collatz n = let next x | even x = x `div` 2 | otherwise = 3*x+1 in
n:collatz (next n)
  result = maximum [length (collatz x) | x <- [1..999999]]

I know there are a handful of approaches to take to reduce computation
time, but in this case I am focusing on exploiting fast recollection
of previously computed sub-chain lengths in a map.

So I wrote the following instead:

  import qualified Data.Map as M

  type CollatzSubMap = M.Map Int [Int]

  collatz :: (Int, CollatzSubMap) -> ([Int], CollatzSubMap)
  collatz (1,m) = ([1], m)
  collatz (n,m) = let next x | even x = x `div` 2 | otherwise = 3*x+1 in
		case M.lookup n m of
			Nothing -> let (ns,m') = collatz (next n, m) in (n:ns, M.insert n (n:ns) m')
			Just ns -> (ns,m)

  result = maximum [length $ fst $ collatz (x, M.empty) | x <-
[1..999999] :: [Int]]

Where I'm currently stumped is in feeding the resulting map from one
call to collatz into the next iteration in the list comprehension;
that M.empty should carry the end result of previous iterations.

Can anyone point me in the right direction? Other criticisms of the
code are also welcome.


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