[Haskell-beginners] Num instnace for [Double]

Ben Gamari bgamari.foss
Wed Oct 2 16:27:32 UTC 2013

Nathan H?sken <nathan.huesken at posteo.de> writes:

> Hey,
> I am working a lot with timeseries (with instances at discrete moments) 
> of doubles.
> So I use [Double].
You may want to consider using a more efficient type than [Double] if
your data is at all large. Unless you really want the laziness that
lists offer you might be better off using vectors.

> Now I want to be able to do stuff like
> timeSeries3 = timeSeries1 + timeSeries2
> So I was thinking, I create a newtype
> newtype TimeSeries a  = TimeSeries [a]
> Now, can I somehow autoderive List, Monad, MonadPlus for TimeSeries?
As far as I'm aware, List is not a typeclass. You can conveniently derive
newtype instances with GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving[1] in most cases. That
being said you need to decide what sort of semantics you want your type
to have. In the case of Appplicative, you have a choice between ZipList
(which would make point-wise operations straightforward) and standard
list (making non-determinism straightforward).

Applicative is tricky in the case of vector-like types as you
don't know what length you want your timeseries to be. In the
list case you can simply produce a non-terminating series. One way
around this (although perhaps not the best way) would be to introduce a
constructor to represent a homogenous timeseries. This might look
something like,

    import qualified Data.Vector as V
    import Control.Applicative
    data TimeSeries a = Pure a
                      | Moments (V.Vector a)
                      deriving (Show)
    instance Functor TimeSeries where
        fmap f (Pure a)     = Pure (f a)
        fmap f (Moments as) = Moments (fmap f as)
    instance Applicative TimeSeries where
        pure = Pure
        Pure a <*> Pure b      = Pure (a b)
        Pure a <*> Moments bs  = Moments $ fmap a bs 
        Moments as <*> Pure b  = Moments $ fmap ($ b) as
        Moments as <*> Moments bs = Moments $ V.zipWith ($) as bs
    fromList :: [a] -> TimeSeries a
    fromList = Moments . V.fromList
    times :: TimeSeries Int
    times = fromList [1,5,9,2,5]
    main = do
        print $ (+) <$> pure 4 <*> times

Of course, this presents the possibility of trying to perform a
point-wise operation on differently sizes series. Zip-like functions
will typically truncate their output to the shortest of their arguments,
opening the possibility for silent data loss. One (hacky) way around
this would be to accept a partial Applicative instance, returning bottom
in the event of incompatible series.

Another approach would be to parametrize the type on the length of the
series with type-level naturals[3]. This still leaves open the
possibility of performing actions on series of incompatible stride or
offset, but at least you can be certain your series are of compatible

> Also I would like to derive from Num. Most of the things can be done 
> pointwise!
> What about fromInteger??? Should that just be a list with one element? 
> Or does it simple not make sense?

I probably wouldn't use the Num typeclass here for this reason, among
others. If you give you type the right Applicative instance the
operations you are after should be easily performed. 


- Ben

[1] http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/7.4.1/html/users_guide/deriving.html
[2] http://hackage.haskell.org/package/linear

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