[Haskell-beginners] Data type definition for a list of elements of alternating types?

David McBride toad3k at gmail.com
Thu Apr 3 02:22:19 UTC 2014

Would this work for you?

data BiList a b
     = Empty
     | a :# (BiList b a)

infixr 5 :#

blah :: BiList Char Int
blah = 'a' :# 1 :# 'a' :# Empty

On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 9:52 PM, Jacek Dudek <jzdudek at gmail.com> wrote:

> -- As an exercise I wanted to define a datatype that is an alternating
> list of elements of two different types. The best that I could do are
> the type definitions below:
> module BiList
>     ( BiList (..)
>     , AList (EmptyA)
>     , BList (EmptyB)
>     ) where
> data BiList a b
>     = Empty
>     | BA (AList a b)
>     | BB (BList a b)
> data AList a b
>     = EmptyA
>     | AL a (BList a b)
> data BList a b
>     = EmptyB
>     | BL b (AList a b)
> (<#) :: a -> (BList a b) -> (AList a b)
> a <# bs = AL a bs
> (<@) :: b -> (AList a b) -> (BList a b)
> b <@ as = BL b as
> infixr 5 <#
> infixr 5 <@
> example :: BiList Int Char
> example = BA $ 1 <# 'a' <@ 2 <# 'b' <@ 3 <# 'c' <@ 4 <# 'd' <@ EmptyA
> -- There are two things that I don't like about this implementation.
> -- (1) The BA and BB constructors that must be applied on top of
> instances of (AList a b) and (BList a b) to lift them to be of type
> (BiList a b).
> -- (2) Having three different constructors for an empty list: Empty,
> EmptyA, EmptyB, where ideally I would just have one.
> -- Is it possible to get around either of these annoyances with some
> type theory gymnastics? Maybe something like the function fromIntegral
> (the mechanics of which I don't really understand at this point)?
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