[C2hs] darcs patch: Try parsing C99 compound literals (and 2 more)

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk
Mon May 29 10:19:24 EDT 2006

A bunch of patches to the C parser. These need reviewing and testing.

The first one seems to fix Ville's problem with parsing xmmintrin.h
at least when still using c2hs -C-D__extension__=

The second fixes it for me even without using -C-D__extension__=
The reason was that the gramar was such that if it saw the __extension__
keyword at the beginning of an external decleration then it assumed
that it could only be a data decleration and not a function decleration.
This changes the __extension__ handling about quite a bit but the end
result is that it allows __extension__ on functions too, which was the
problem in Ville's example.

This is the change that most needs testing since while it may fix this
use of __extension__ is may break others where we were previously
working ok. I guess we really need a regression test that tries loads
of common system headers eg /usr/include/*.h  .

The last is mainly a tidy up. It hides a shift/reduce conflict.
I checked that it doesn't change the parser's state transition tables.
Still I'm not sure if using context-dependent precedence should be
necessary here.


Mon May 29 11:50:14 BST 2006  Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk>
  * Try parsing C99 compound literals

Mon May 29 14:32:54 BST 2006  Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk>
  * Change handling of gnu __extension__ keyword
  GNU C allows __extension__ in various places we don't at the moment.
  This is a bit tricky to follow exactly without getting lots of
  shift/reduce conflicts. So what I've got here is a compromise.
  Sadly allowing __extension__ in expressions conflicts with it's use
  in declerations. So, instead of allowing __extension__ in any
  declaration I only allow it in an external decleration (top level).
  Fortunately I think that almost all uses of __extension__ in
  declarations are actually external declarations. So I think this is
  the right compromise.

Mon May 29 14:55:34 BST 2006  Duncan Coutts <duncan.coutts at worc.ox.ac.uk>
  * Use precedence to eliminate an s/r in the C if-then-else syntax

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