Patch using multiple preprocessors ...

Marc Weber marco-oweber at
Thu Dec 28 06:51:51 EST 2006

This patch seems to work. But I haven't done serious testing yet. It
passes my own test.

The test is in multipleextensiontest
and contains the files
	setup.hs ( contains the test preprocessors)
		 module Main where
		 main = do
		   print "start"
		   -- P1
		   -- P2
		   -- P3
		   -- Pa
		   -- Pb
		   -- Pc
		   print "end"

The preprocessors 0,1,2,a,b,c (c not used) will each replace -- Px by
print "x" and add another print line to get the reversed order of run

The diff is made relative to darcs/
Isaac told me that cabal-install is newer ..

You can also get the whole repository with changes here ( )

Greetings Marc

diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/Cabal.cabal new-cabal-1.1.7-my/Cabal.cabal
< Build-Depends: base
> Build-Depends: base, mtl
diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/Distribution/PreProcess.hs new-cabal-1.1.7-my/Distribution/PreProcess.hs
<                                   moduleToFilePath, die, dieWithLocation)
>                                   moduleToFilePath, die, dieWithLocation, on)
< import System.Directory (removeFile, getModificationTime)
> import System.Directory (removeFile, getModificationTime, doesFileExist)
> import Data.Bits ((.|.))
< 	(splitFileExt, joinFileName, joinFileExt)
> 	(splitFileName, splitFilePath, splitFileExt, joinFileName, joinFileExt)
> import Control.Monad
> import Debug.Trace
< -- external program, but need not be.  The arguments are the name of
> -- /xternal program, but need not be.  The arguments are the name of
< preprocessModule searchLoc modu verbose builtinSuffixes handlers = do
<     bsrcFiles <- moduleToFilePath searchLoc modu builtinSuffixes
<     psrcFiles <- moduleToFilePath searchLoc modu (map fst handlers)
<     case psrcFiles of
< 	[] -> case bsrcFiles of
< 	          [] -> die ("can't find source for " ++ modu ++ " in " ++ show searchLoc)
< 	          _  -> return ExitSuccess
< 	(psrcFile:_) -> do
< 	    let (srcStem, ext) = splitFileExt psrcFile
< 	        pp = fromMaybe (error "Internal error in preProcess module: Just expected")
< 	                       (lookup ext handlers)
< 	    recomp <- case bsrcFiles of
< 	                  [] -> return True
< 	                  (bsrcFile:_) -> do
< 	                      btime <- getModificationTime bsrcFile
< 	                      ptime <- getModificationTime psrcFile
< 	                      return (btime < ptime)
< 	    if recomp
< 	      then pp psrcFile (srcStem `joinFileExt` "hs") verbose
< 	      else return ExitSuccess
> preprocessModule searchLoc modu verbose builtinSuffixes handlers =
>   let hslhs = zip builtinSuffixes $ repeat (\_ _ _ -> return ExitSuccess) -- .hs,.lhs or .gc using hmake with nhc : do nothing
>       all_handler = hslhs ++ handlers  -- use builtin handler first ( you can't override .hs, lhs anyway as target and source filename would be the same, wouldn't it?)
>       preprocess f = let (dir, file) = splitFileName f
> 		         (fwe, ext) = splitFileExt file
> 		     in case ext of
> 		      "" -> case splitFileExt fwe of
> 			    (_, "") -> return ExitSuccess -- No extension left. do nothing
> 			    _ -> die $ "no extension found! don't know how to handle this file " ++ f
> 		      ext -> case lookup ext all_handler of
> 			      Nothing -> die $ "no handler found for extinsion pant " ++ ext
> 			      Just pp -> let dest = dir `joinFileName` fwe
> 				    in do de <- doesFileExist dest
> 					  recomp <- if de then liftM2 (>) 
> 								(getModificationTime f) 
> 							        (getModificationTime dest)
> 						     else return True -- dest file doesn't exist
> 					  if recomp then pp f dest verbose >>= 
> 							    \exitCode -> case exitCode of
> 							      ExitSuccess -> return ()
> 							      _ -> fail $ "preprocessor beeing responsible for extension part " ++ ext ++ "failed"
> 						    else return ()
> 					  -- now do next preprocessing step
> 					  preprocess dest
>   in moduleToFilePath searchLoc modu (map fst all_handler) >>= \srcFiles -> case srcFiles of
>       [] -> die $ "!!can't find source for " ++ modu ++ " in " ++ show searchLoc
>       [f] -> -- run preprocessor if necessary
> 		preprocess f
>       files -> die $ "muliple fitting source files found for module " 
> 		      ++ modu ++ " files " ++ foldr1 (\a b->a ++ ", " ++ b) files
diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/Distribution/Simple/Utils.hs new-cabal-1.1.7-my/Distribution/Simple/Utils.hs
> 	on,
>         moduleToFilePath2,
< import Control.Monad(when, filterM, unless)
< import Data.List (nub, unfoldr)
> import Control.Monad(when, filterM, unless, liftM)
> import Data.List (nub, unfoldr, maximumBy, length, isPrefixOf)
> import Data.Map (union, toList, fromList)
> f `on` op = \x y -> f x `op` f y
> -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- List
> -- spits the list on element element
> splitBy :: (Eq a) => [a] -> a -> [[a]]
> splitBy list element = case break (== element) list of
> 			 (a, []) -> [a]
> 			 (a, b) -> a:splitBy b element
> -- FIXME/TODO: check wether tail contains only known suffixes. Only checks matching filename yet
> moduleToFilePath2 :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations
>                  -> String   -- ^Module Name
> 		 -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes
> 		 -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)]
> moduleToFilePath2 locs mname possibleSuffixes = 
>    let mname_parts = splitBy mname '.' -- "Data.List" -> ["Date","List"]
>        m_path = init mname_parts
>        joinPathElements folders = foldr1 joinFileName folders
>        gDC path = catch (getDirectoryContentsWithoutSpecial path) (\_-> return [])
>        maxBy [] = Nothing
>        maxBy l = Just $ maximumBy (\a b -> compare (length a) (length b)) l
>        -- does file match mname?
>        filterFile = ( isPrefixOf ((last mname_parts) ++ ['.'] ))
>        -- filter names beginning with (last mname_parts)  ++ ['.'], 
>        -- omitting hs/lhs for compatibility (.gc, .chs, ..)
>        -- only use longest filename (thus no intermediate file)
>        filterModule = maxBy . (filter filterFile)
>        foldr_f (loc, files) l = case filterModule files of
> 			  Nothing -> l
> 			  Just f -> (loc, f):l
>    in do files <- mapM (\loc -> gDC $ joinPathElements (loc:m_path) ) locs
> 	 return $ foldr foldr_f [] $ zip locs files
> moduleToFilePath locs mn ps = (liftM (map (uncurry joinFileName))) $ moduleToFilePath2 locs mn ps
< moduleToFilePath pref s possibleSuffixes
<     = filterM doesFileExist $
<           concatMap (searchModuleToPossiblePaths s possibleSuffixes) pref
<     where searchModuleToPossiblePaths :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
<           searchModuleToPossiblePaths s' suffs searchP
<               = moduleToPossiblePaths searchP s' suffs
< -- |Like 'moduleToFilePath', but return the location and the rest of
< -- the path as separate results.
< moduleToFilePath2
<     :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations
<     -> String   -- ^Module Name
<     -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes
<     -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)] -- ^locations and relative names
< moduleToFilePath2 locs mname possibleSuffixes
<     = filterM exists $
<         [(loc, fname `joinFileExt` ext) | loc <- locs, ext <- possibleSuffixes]
<   where
<     fname = dotToSep mname
<     exists (loc, relname) = doesFileExist (loc `joinFileName` relname)
> -- moduleToFilePath :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations
> --                  -> String   -- ^Module Name
> --                  -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes
> --                  -> IO [FilePath]
> -- 
> -- moduleToFilePath pref s possibleSuffixes
> --     = filterM doesFileExist $
> --           concatMap (searchModuleToPossiblePaths s possibleSuffixes) pref
> --     where searchModuleToPossiblePaths :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> [FilePath]
> --           searchModuleToPossiblePaths s' suffs searchP
> --               = moduleToPossiblePaths searchP s' suffs
> -- -- |Like 'moduleToFilePath', but return the location and the rest of
> -- -- the path as separate results.
> -- moduleToFilePath2
> --     :: [FilePath] -- ^search locations
> --     -> String   -- ^Module Name
> --     -> [String] -- ^possible suffixes
> --     -> IO [(FilePath, FilePath)] -- ^locations and relative names
> -- moduleToFilePath2 locs mname possibleSuffixes
> --     = filterM exists $
> --         [(loc, fname `joinFileExt` ext) | loc <- locs, ext <- possibleSuffixes]
> --   where
> --     fname = dotToSep mname
> --     exists (loc, relname) = doesFileExist (loc `joinFileName` relname)
diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/Setup.lhs new-cabal-1.1.7-my/Setup.lhs
< #!/usr/bin/runhaskell
< > module Main where
< > import Distribution.Simple
< > main :: IO ()
< > main = defaultMain
diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/multiple_extension-test/multiple_extension-test.cabal new-cabal-1.1.7-my/multiple_extension-test/multiple_extension-test.cabal
> Name:            multipleextensiontest
> Version:         0.0
> License:         BSD3
> Author:          Marc Weber
> Category:
> Synopsis:        test multiple extensions
> Build-Depends:   haskell98 ,base ,Cabal
> Executable:     multipleextensiontest
> hs-source-dirs: src_executable
> Main-Is:        Multipleextensiontest.hs
> other-modules:	Multipleextensiontest
diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/multiple_extension-test/setup.hs new-cabal-1.1.7-my/multiple_extension-test/setup.hs
> module Main where
> import Distribution.Simple
> import Distribution.Simple.Configure 
> import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
> import Distribution.PreProcess
> import System
> import System.Process
> import System.Exit
> import Monad
> import Char ( isSpace )
> -- #ifdef __GLASGOW_HASKELL__
> -- #ifndef __HADDOCK__
> -- import {-# SOURCE #-} GHC.Unicode ( isSpace  )
> -- #endif
> -- import GHC.List ( replicate )
> -- import GHC.Base
> -- #else
> -- import Data.Char( isSpace )
> -- #endif
> import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP
> main= do
>   args <- getArgs -- check args to launch ghci
>   when (length args > 0) $ do
>     when ((args!!0) == "ghci") $ do
> 	lbi <- getPersistBuildConfig
> 	let packageArgs = (concat.concat) [ [" -package ", showPackageId pkg] | pkg <- packageDeps lbi ]
> 	system("ghci " ++ packageArgs)
> 	exitWith ExitSuccess
>   defaultMainWithHooks $ defaultUserHooks { hookedPreProcessors = hp }
>     where hp = map (testPreprocessor.(:[])) "123abc"
> testPreprocessor :: String -> PPSuffixHandler
> testPreprocessor ext = ( ext, pp)
>   where pp _ _ src dest verb = do
> 	   print $ " preprocessing file " ++ src ++ " and writing to " ++ dest
> 	   readFile src >>= \f -> writeFile dest $ unlines . ppFile $ lines f
> 	   return $ ExitSuccess
> 	ppFile :: [ String ] -> [ String ]
> 	ppFile =(++ ["  print \"preprocessed by "++ ext ++ "\""])
> 		  . (map preprocessLine)
> 	parseLine :: ReadP (String, String)
> 	parseLine = do spaces <- many $ satisfy isSpace 
> 		       string "--" >> (many $ satisfy isSpace)
> 		       char 'P' 
> 	      	       ext <- (many1 $ satisfy (not.isSpace))
> 		       rest <- many get
> 		       return $ (spaces, ext)
> 	preprocessLine :: String -> String
> 	preprocessLine line = let parseResult = (readP_to_S parseLine) $ line
> 			      in  case parseResult of
> 				  [((spaces, e),_)] -> if ext == e then spaces ++ "print \"" ++ ext ++ "\""
> 								   else line
> 				  _ -> line
diff -rN old-cabal-1.1.7-my/multiple_extension-test/src_executable/Multipleextensiontest.hs.1.2.3.a.b new-cabal-1.1.7-my/multiple_extension-test/src_executable/Multipleextensiontest.hs.1.2.3.a.b
> module Main where
> main = do
>   print "start"
>   -- P1
>   -- P2
>   -- P3
>   -- Pa
>   -- Pb
>   -- Pc
>   print "end"

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