patch applied (cabal-install): Add cabal install --reinstall flag

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Thu Aug 14 19:14:37 EDT 2008

Thu Aug 14 11:34:45 PDT 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Add cabal install --reinstall flag
  to force reinstall of package where we have the exact same
  version already installed. Ordinarily we would say that
  there is nothing to do as the exact same package version
  is already installed. There are some cases where you might
  want to do this, eg to rebuild with different compiler
  options, or adding/removing components (since we do not
  track those indifidually yet, eg docs, profiling libs).

    M ./Distribution/Client/Install.hs -6 +17
    M ./Distribution/Client/Setup.hs +8

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