cabal-install uninstall ?

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Fri May 16 13:36:28 EDT 2008

On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 13:48 +0200, Henrique Ferreiro García wrote:
> It seems to be a little more complicated. Each compiler has a installExe
> and installLibs (or a joined install) functions which also mix
> collecting files and copying them.

Ah yes.

> I think that the right thing to do would be to abstract away those
> compiler functions in a module with the same interface for all of them.
> Distribution.Simple.Compiler seems to be place.

Right, we've wanted to do that for a while but there are other
limitations stopping us from doing that yet.

> Moreover, something has to be done to decouple the file gathering from
> the copying phase in this functions, but I am not the correct person to
> decide how to do it.

Indeed. We would want to change the installLibs/installExe for each
compiler to return a set of files to copy. We can do that without
changing to use a proper compiler abstraction. They're independent


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