patch applied (cabal-branches/cabal-1.4): Rename doc/fptools.css to avoid the ghc build system cleaning it

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Thu May 29 06:48:49 EDT 2008

Tue May 20 12:17:00 PDT 2008  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Rename doc/fptools.css to avoid the ghc build system cleaning it
  The user guide gets built in two different ways. There's a target
  in Cabal's the top level Makefile and there is also the stuff that
  the ghc build system uses. The ghc build system expects to copy in
  doc/fptools.css and then delete it again on make clean. We want a
  persistent copy so that we can make the docs when we've just got a
  standalone Cabal build tree, so that's now kept as doc/Cabal.css.

     ./doc/fptools.css -> ./doc/Cabal.css
    M ./Makefile -1 +1

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