[Hackage] #774: output of 'cabal check' out of sync with cabal syntax

Hackage cvs-ghc at haskell.org
Sat Dec 4 00:11:05 CET 2010

#774: output of 'cabal check' out of sync with cabal syntax
  Reporter:  guest                |        Owner:         
      Type:  defect               |       Status:  new    
  Priority:  normal               |    Milestone:         
 Component:  Cabal library        |      Version:
  Severity:  minor                |     Keywords:         
Difficulty:  very easy (<1 hour)  |   Ghcversion:         
  Platform:  Linux                |  
 A .cabal file with:

   Build-depends: base >= 4

 when examined with 'cabal check', will return the following warning:

 The following errors will cause portability problems on other
 * The dependency 'build-depends: base' does not specify an upper bound on
 the version number. Each major release of the 'base' package changes the
 API in various ways and most packages will need some changes to compile
 with it. The recommended practise is to specify an upper bound on the
 version of the 'base' package. This ensures your package will continue to
 build when a new major version of the 'base' package is released. If you
 are not sure what upper bound to use then use the next major version. For
 example if you have tested your package with 'base' version 2 and 3 then
 use 'build-depends: base >= 2 && < 4'.

 However, using the suggested "base >=2 && base < 4" results in,
 "Parse of field 'build-depends' failed."

 This error goes away if I use "base >=2, base < 4" instead.

 I think the syntax in the error message is out of date.

Ticket URL: <http://hackage.haskell.org/trac/hackage/ticket/774>
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