patch applied (cabal): Add new language and extensions fields (internal data structures)

Duncan Coutts duncan.coutts at
Mon Oct 18 19:27:58 EDT 2010

Mon Oct 18 02:06:20 PDT 2010  Duncan Coutts <duncan at>
  * Add new language and extensions fields (internal data structures)
  New fields default-language and other-languages for specifying the
  base languages for the package, e.g. Haskell98, Haskell2010
  New fields default-extensions and other-extensions for the language
  extensions. Separate from the old extensions field.
  The separation lets us express the difference between declaring to
  the outside world that a package uses certain languages or extensions
  and whether certain languages or extensions should be applied to
  all modules in the package component.

    M ./Distribution/PackageDescription.hs -4 +43
    M ./Distribution/PackageDescription/Check.hs -11 +12
    M ./Distribution/PackageDescription/Parse.hs -1 +2
    M ./Distribution/Simple/Configure.hs -2 +2
    M ./Distribution/Simple/GHC.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Simple/Haddock.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Simple/Hugs.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Simple/JHC.hs -2 +2
    M ./Distribution/Simple/LHC.hs -4 +4
    M ./Distribution/Simple/NHC.hs -3 +3
    M ./Distribution/Simple/UHC.hs -1 +1

View patch online:;a=darcs_commitdiff;h=20101018090620-adfee-3f1b7cef8946bd58c4f07d4e7924b8b59d01e795.gz

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