cvs commit: hugs98/src/winhugs winhugs.rc

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at
Wed Sep 7 16:31:35 EDT 2005

> The unused source files are gone; these are icons.

Some of them are truely useless, the cut icon has a file (dead), and
is also in toolbar.bmp. So even by deleting it, you would still have
the icon in the CVS elsewhere.

Some of them were useful at one stage, but now are not in the toolbar.
These have a good reason for staying around, possibly merged into one
file oldtoolbar.bmp.

Some are logos and old icons. Perhaps that could be moved into one
standard directory of Hugs logos and icons, since they have no
particular relevance to WinHugs. Maybe the icons directory.

Or of course, we can just leave them where they are...

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