cvs commit: hugs98/src builtin.c

Brian Smith brianlsmith at
Tue Sep 13 12:21:29 EDT 2005

On 9/13/05, Ross Paterson <ross at> wrote:
> ross 2005/09/13 08:28:53 PDT
> Modified files:
> src builtin.c
> Log:
> Another tilt at the Windows DEP problem: make the thunk_data RWX
> (though actually only the code part needs it).

This seems to fix the problem. Now the ffi/Callback, ffi/Sin, and ffi/Sparc 
tests pass with DEP enabled. The only tests that fail now are 
static/mod154.hs. rts/read.hs, rts/arith.hs (known problems), ffi/FileIO.hs 
(the test is broken: it does I/O on its own source file and assumes that 
end-of-line is always only one byte), and libs/dirTest (which I think is 
just making bad assumptions about how file permissions work).

- Brian
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