[Hs-Generics] patch applied (generics): Demonstrating that flattenListTree, sumListTree and sizeListTree apply, AS THEY ARE, not only to [WTree Int Int] but to *ANY* data that includes WTree a b

Oleg Kiselyov oleg at okmij.org
Sat Mar 22 07:16:06 EDT 2008

Sat Mar 22 04:12:08 PDT 2008  oleg at okmij.org
  * Demonstrating that flattenListTree, sumListTree and sizeListTree apply, AS THEY ARE, not only to [WTree Int Int] but to *ANY* data that includes WTree a b

    M ./comparison/SmashA/CrushRight.hs +15
    M ./comparison/SmashA/Syb4A.hs +5

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