[Hs-Generics] MultiRec generic producer.

José Pedro Magalhães jpm at cs.uu.nl
Mon May 25 09:23:39 EDT 2009

Hey Sebastiaan,

Generation of a single value (the leftmost), for instance, can be done as

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-}

module Left where

import Generics.MultiRec.Base

class Left (phi :: * -> *) (f :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) where
    leftf :: phi ix -> (forall ix'. El phi ix' => phi ix' -> r ix') -> [f r

instance (Left phi a, Left phi b) => Left phi (a :+: b) where
    leftf w f = map L (leftf w f) ++ map R (leftf w f)

instance (Constructor c, Left phi f) => Left phi (C c f) where
    leftf w f = map C (leftf w f)

instance (Left phi a, Left phi b) => Left phi (a :*: b) where
    leftf w f = zipWith (:*:) (leftf w f) (leftf w f)

instance (El phi xi) => Left phi (I xi) where
    leftf _ f = [I (f index)]

instance Left phi U where
    leftf _ _ = [U]

instance (EqS phi, El phi ix, Left phi f) => Left phi (f :>: ix) where
    leftf w f =
        case eqS (proof :: phi ix) w of
            Nothing -> []
            Just Refl -> map Tag (leftf w f)

instance LeftA a => Left phi (K a) where
    leftf _ _ = [K lefta]

class LeftA a where
    lefta :: a

instance LeftA Char where
    lefta = 'L'

instance LeftA () where
    lefta = ()

left :: (El phi ix, Fam phi, Left phi (PF phi)) => phi ix -> ix
left w = to w $ head $ leftf w (I0 . left)

I also have an arbitrary, but that's slightly more complex. Generic read
should be available soon.


On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 15:11, Sebastiaan Visser <sfvisser at cs.uu.nl> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> While playing around with MultiRec most things are pretty straightforward
> and most usage can be derived from the examples. The only thing that seems
> tricky to do, and of which I cannot find any examples, are generic
> producers.
> Any examples of generic producers that take no values as input but do
> produce values as output? E.g. generic parsers (read), binary get,
> arbitrary?
> I have some `SingleRec' producers that are fairly trivial to port except
> for the `Tag' case. Any clues?
> Thanks,
> --
> Sebastiaan Visser
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