[commit: ghc] master: Layout only (d227713)

Ian Lynagh igloo at earth.li
Sun Feb 17 15:51:42 CET 2013

Repository : ssh://darcs.haskell.org//srv/darcs/ghc

On branch  : master



commit d22771330bee1ed54f9275acf925f5337cb31067
Author: Ian Lynagh <ian at well-typed.com>
Date:   Sun Feb 17 13:54:55 2013 +0000

    Layout only


 configure.ac |   39 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 8bc373b..98b84c2 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -129,25 +129,28 @@ if test "$WithGhc" != ""; then
 dnl ** Must have GHC to build GHC
-  if test "$WithGhc" = ""; then
-     AC_MSG_ERROR([GHC is required.])
-  fi
-  FP_COMPARE_VERSIONS([$GhcVersion],[-lt],[7.4],
+if test "$WithGhc" = ""
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([GHC is required.])
     [AC_MSG_ERROR([GHC version 7.4 or later is required to compile GHC.])])dnl
-  if test `expr $GhcMinVersion % 2` = "1"; then
-     if test "$EnableBootstrapWithDevelSnaphost" = "NO"; then
+if test `expr $GhcMinVersion % 2` = "1"
+    if test "$EnableBootstrapWithDevelSnaphost" = "NO"
+    then
      $WithGhc is a development snapshot of GHC, version $GhcVersion.
      Bootstrapping using this version of GHC is not supported, and may not
      work.  Use --enable-bootstrap-with-devel-snapshot to try it anyway,
      or --with-ghc to specify a different GHC to use.])
-     fi
-  fi
+    fi
-  GHC_PACKAGE_DB_FLAG=package-db
-  FP_COMPARE_VERSIONS([$GhcVersion],[-lt],[7.5],GHC_PACKAGE_DB_FLAG=package-conf)
 # GHC is passed to Cabal, so we need a native path
 if test "${WithGhc}" != ""
@@ -197,13 +200,13 @@ FPTOOLS_SET_PLATFORM_VARS
 # Verify that the installed (bootstrap) GHC is capable of generating
 # code for the requested build platform.
-    if test "$BuildPlatform" != "$bootstrap_target"
-    then
-        echo "This GHC (${WithGhc}) does not generate code for the build platform"
-        echo "   GHC target platform    : $bootstrap_target"
-        echo "   Desired build platform : $BuildPlatform"
-        exit 1
-    fi
+if test "$BuildPlatform" != "$bootstrap_target"
+    echo "This GHC (${WithGhc}) does not generate code for the build platform"
+    echo "   GHC target platform    : $bootstrap_target"
+    echo "   Desired build platform : $BuildPlatform"
+    exit 1
 # Testing if we shall enable shared libs support on Solaris.
 # Anything older than SunOS 5.11 aka Solaris 11 (Express) is broken.

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