arising from the dependency ... in the instance declaration

Joachim Breitner mail at
Tue Dec 3 12:09:47 UTC 2013


I have an error message, and I’m looking for code that produces it (how
is that for a change...)

While fixing I’d like to
clean up some error reporting in FunDeps.lhs, in particular code that is
involved in producing errors like

    Couldn't match type 'False with 'True
    When using functional dependencies to combine
      And 'False 'False 'False,
        arising from the dependency `a b -> c'
        in the instance declaration in `UnitTyped.Units'
      And 'False 'False 'True,
        arising from a use of `+' at <interactive>:14:7
    In the expression: meter + second
    In an equation for `it': it = meter + second

but unfortunately, the test suite does _not_ contain any code that
creates this error message. Also, the results obtained from googling for
that error message yield either no code, or only unhelpful code
fragments, or code that produces a different error message with current

Unfortunately, I cannot produce code that triggers it. Does anyone have
code lying around that triggers that error message?

Also: I found code that had this kind of error message in 7.6, e.g. the
attached code’s error changed from

            Couldn't match type `F a1' with `U'
            When using functional dependencies to combine
              UpdateR (xs :> s) (S n) t (xs' :> s),
                arising from the dependency xs n t -> xs'
                in the instance declaration at FunDepError.hs:54:10
              UpdateR ((xs' :> F a0) :> F a1) (S O) U ((jj0 :> U) :> U),
                arising from a use of `var' at FunDepError.hs:86:27-29
            In the expression: var a
            In the first argument of `lam', namely `(\ b -> var a)'
(sorry for not finding something simpler) to

            No instance for (Consume xs' jj) arising from a use of ‛lam’
            Possible fix:
              add (Consume xs' jj) to the context of
                the inferred type of x :: LLC t xs' jj (a :-> (a1 :-> a))
            In the expression: lam (\ a -> lam (\ b -> var a))
            In an equation for ‛x’: x = lam (\ a -> lam (\ b -> var a))
            No instance for (UpdateR
                               ((xs' :> F a) :> F a1) (S O) U ((jj :> U) :> U))
              arising from a use of ‛var’
            In the expression: var a
            In the first argument of ‛lam’, namely ‛(\ b -> var a)’
            In the expression: lam (\ b -> var a)

Is that desired or a regression?


Joachim “nomeata” Breitner
  mail at joachim-breitner.de
  Jabber: nomeata at  • GPG-Key: 0x4743206C
  Debian Developer: nomeata at
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