missing darcs repos?

Malcolm Wallace malcolm.wallace at me.com
Sat Mar 2 11:19:31 CET 2013

On 23 Feb 2013, at 14:46, Ian Lynagh wrote:

> On Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 08:01:26AM +0000, Malcolm Wallace wrote:
>> Has someone recently removed the (old) darcs repos for libraries from e.g.
>>    http://darcs.haskell.org/packages/array
> Ah, sorry; I was doing some clearing up and forgot you were still using
> them. They should all be back now; otherwise, please let me know.

At least one is still missing (hpc).  However, given some other problems recently caused by a confusion between darcs and git repos, and given than no-one else is actively using the darcs versions, I suggest that you just remove them again.  I'll change my nightly build processes instead.


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