Updating the net package

D.J.Steinitz D.J.Steinitz@ukc.ac.uk
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 16:46:48 +0100

  Thanks for your help on this. I can't quite see how you got what you did.
  I followed the instructions in the cvs cheat sheet.
  211  export CVSROOT=:pserver:anoncvs@glass.cse.ogi.edu:/cvs
  213  cvs login
  216  cvs co -r ghc-5-02 fpconfig
  217  cd fptools/
  225  cvs checkout ghc
  226  cvs checkout hslibs
  229  cd hslibs/
  230  cd net
  231  ls
BSD.hs CGI.lhs CVS Makefile Socket.lhs SocketPrim.hs URI.hs 
cbits doc net.conf.in
  234  cvs stat -v SocketPrim.hs

File: SocketPrim.hs    	Status: Up-to-date

   Working revision:	1.1
   Repository revision:	1.1	/cvs/fptools/hslibs/net/SocketPrim.hs,v
   Sticky Tag:		(none)
   Sticky Date:		(none)
   Sticky Options:	(none)

   Existing Tags:
	before-newer-usagesp-frontier	(revision: 1.1)
  I'm not sure what I did wrong but I don't seem to have a SocketPrim.hsc
  which is tagged with ghc-5-02-2.
