GHCi off by default?

Simon Marlow
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 10:47:14 +0100

> I noticed that when I build ghc-5.04 from source, the=20
> resulting executables=20
> have interactive mode disabled.
> There is some code in mk/ that appears backwards to=20
> me (although=20
> according to the accompanying comment it is not backwards):
> #ifneq "$(findstring $(HostOS_CPP), mingw32 cygwin32 linux=20
> solaris2 freebsd=20
> netbsd openbsd)" ""
> GhcWithInterpreter=3DYES
> ifeq "$(HaveLibDL)" "YES"
> SRC_HC_OPTS +=3D -ldl
> endif
> #else
> #GhcWithInterpreter=3DNO
> #endif
> This appears to turn GHCi off for mingw32, cygwin32, linux,=20
> solaris2, freebsd, netbsd, and openbsd.

No, it's actually on for all these platforms.  However, you have to
bootstrap the compiler with itself before GHCi will be built (see
