Is it safe to call getProcessExitCode more than once?

Peter Simons simons at
Tue Oct 26 06:42:34 EDT 2004

John Goerzen writes:

 > Assuming it is based on wait() or one of its derivatives,
 > and I suspect it is, you cannot call it more than once
 > for a single process.

That's what I _assume_, too, but a definite answer would be

In the meanwhile, I have found out that it might not be safe
to call it once, even:

  CaughtException waitForProcess: does not exist (No child processes)

That's a child I _did_ start and which apparently terminated
before I called waitForProcess. Shouldn't I be getting the
exit code of that process rather than an exception?

Do waitForProcess and getProcessExitCode differ in their
behavior other than that one blocks and other doesn't?


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