Efficiency of using field labels vs pattern matching

Sigbjorn Finne sof at galois.com
Sun Aug 20 10:04:56 EDT 2006

If you let the Simplifier have a crack at your code (i.e., compile with -O
or better), the same code should be generated for the two defns of
'foo'. Try compiling with -ddump-simpl to verify.

The first version is stricter, so it'll be preferable in -Onot mode.


Brian Hulley wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if it is more efficient to pattern match against the 
> components of a record instead of using the field functions, though 
> I'd prefer to just use the field functions.
> For example, if I write:
>    data R = R {_xRef :: !(IORef Int)}
>    foo :: Int -> R -> IO ()
>    foo i R{_xRef = xRef} = writeIORef xRef i
> is the above more efficient than:
>    foo i r = writeIORef (_xRef r) i
> I know this is probably a bit silly to worry about the overhead of an 
> extra function call etc but I've at the moment got a lot of code using 
> the first version and I think it would look much neater just using 
> field labels but I don't want to modify it if it will be less 
> efficient since speed is quite critical here.
> Thanks, Brian.

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