Still problems building ghc 6.5 with ghc 6.4

Michael Marte marte at
Wed Mar 29 07:40:43 EST 2006

Simon Marlow wrote:

> Michael Marte wrote:
>> Simon Marlow wrote:
>>> Michael Marte wrote:
>>>> I did as you said (make clean; autoreconf; configure; make) but it 
>>>> didn't help; I get the same error as before.
>>> Ok, could you try this:
>>>   $ size ghc/lib/compat/cbits/unicode.o
>>>   $ size ghc/lib/compat/Compat/Unicode.o
>>> there should be some code in those modules if the build system is 
>>> working properly.
>>> Cheers,
>>>     Simon
>> Yes, there is code, i.e. the text segments are not empty.
> I stared at the code some more, and I think I've found the problem and 
> pushed a patch for it.  You'll need to 'darcs pull', make in ghc/lib, 
> rm ghc/compiler/stage1/parser/Lexer.o, make stage 1, and then make 
> stage 2.
> Cheers,
>     Simon

Now I get the following error:

GHC/PrimopWrappers.hs:565:20: Not in scope: `GHC.Prim.forkOn#'

I think this problem may be releated to the other changes I pulled.


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