Using GHC-as-a-library

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Thu Oct 12 05:50:39 EDT 2006

Martin Grabmueller wrote:
> Following up to myself:
> Martin Grabmueller wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>I've been playing around with GHC-as-a-library a bit now, and using
>>yesterday's snapshot of GHC (ghc-6.5.20061004, compiled from source),
>>I ran into the following problem:
> [...]
> In following a suggestion by Mathew Mills, I tried to find out whether
> there was a problem with GHC finding my package.conf file (since I had
> previously a problem with ghc-pkg to set permissions wrong on that file,
> I thought GHC was possibly unable to read it).
> When trying it again with a GHC fresh from darcs HEAD, I get a different
> error message.  The loading via GHC.load works find, but when calling
> GHC.checkModule, the following error message is displayed, and no
> renamed or typechecked program is returned by GHC.checkModule, only the
> parsed one:
> Test.hs:1:0:
>     Bad interface file: /usr/local/ghc/lib/ghc-6.5/imports/Prelude.hi
>         Prelude.Enum.Bool.toEnum: bad argument
> Has anyone else encountered this problem?  Are others out there
> successfully using GHC as a library?

I haven't seen this particular error message before, would you like to submit a 
bug report detailing the exact steps you took and the code you used to call the 

`	Simon

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