-optl doesn't seem to pass to ld (on Windows)

Sigbjorn Finne sof at galois.com
Thu Aug 16 11:17:49 EDT 2007

There's another level of indirection to punch through (the gcc driver); try



Alistair Bayley wrote:
> -optl--enable-stdcall-fixup
> With ghc-6.6.1 on WinXP, I want to pass --enable-stdcall-fixup (or
> --disable-stdcall-fixup, depending on my mood) to ld, but either the
> -optl option doesn't seem to work, or I've misunderstood what it's
> meant to do. ghc -v indicates that it is not in the parameters passed
> to  ld.exe.
> Alistair
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