whole program optimization

Isaac Dupree isaacdupree at charter.net
Sun Dec 23 07:35:20 EST 2007

GHC optimizes less effectively when parts of a program are in different 
modules, or are exported from a module.  Therefore, merging all the code 
into one "module Main (main)" would help.  Unfortunately, Haskell source 
syntax is ill-suited to this; for example:

module-boundary monomorphism restriction
different defaults in different modules
deriving (Show, Read) --for renaming everything that's
   -- in different modules, so it doesn't conflict
new GHC "{..}" etc. record stuff
imports as, unknown import lists....

Also, program correctness can be wrongly increased; for example, using 
instances that were defined in some module imported by Main, but not by 
the module that uses the instance.  I suppose this might affect 
overlapping instances somehow?

But it seems plausible to merge modules on the GHC Core level, after 
desugaring and type-checking.  Then the one infelicity would be that 
orphan RULES could apply in more places (RULES are converted and applied 
to Core!).  Is this a problem?  Does it already happen when modules 
import small inlinings from .hi files of modules that don't have access 
to the RULES?

It would not actually be quite "whole-program" as long as all the 
libraries are compiled separately and only available through their .o 
and incomplete .hi files.  Which is okay; but it would be nice if they 
could all also be compiled to the "complete-.hi" that we thought might 
serve for External Core -- and then one would just need to tell GHC to 
take all those complete-.hi's and compile them together into one 
executable.  (except for complications like C _stub files, etc, etc. 
Also some parts of `base` might be wired-in enough that they need some 
thought before messing with them.)  Then _any_ function that was only 
used once would be inlined, and GHC would generally be free to make 
decisions like that (at the GHC-speed price of having to look at all 
program and library code in detail) (however the GHC interface to this 
works, Cabal could probably help automate it somehow?)

(Unfortunately, ghc-haskell source syntax doesn't provide an easy way to 
encode Core, even if we wanted to convert it back into GHC-compilable 
Haskell, without unsafeCoerce everywhere, I think?)

So it's more complicated than it seems on the surface, but it could be 
done; I only wonder how effective it would be on various programs.  I 
assume GHC doesn't currently implement any optimizations that can _only_ 
be whole-program, so it would still not be quite like Jhc, though this 
basic support might allow some such optimizations to be implemented.


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