GHC Crosscompile

Simon Marlow simonmarhaskell at
Mon Jun 18 09:01:53 EDT 2007

Cristian Perfumo wrote:
> Hi everybody:
>    I would like to compile Haskell programs to run on Alpha 
> architecture. As the target architecture is going to be simulated, I 
> can't install GHC on an Alpha machine (because I don't have one). As 
> most of you, I have got GHC installed and running on x86.
>    Is there any way to cross-compile and generate Alpha code with my x86 
> compiler?

At the moment, no.  You can build a compiler that will generate .hc files that 
can be compiled on the target; this is how we do bootstrapping on a new 
architecture, but it's not the same as cross-compiling all the way to an executable.


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