Prevent optimization from tempering with unsafePerformIO

Isaac Dupree isaacdupree at
Wed Oct 17 10:45:21 EDT 2007

Bernd Brassel wrote:
>>   * I'm not sure if you care whether they are performed once or
>>     many times.  E.g.
>>           f = \x. x + unsafePerformIO (h z)
>>     If the (h z) doesn't mention 'x', GHC will transform this to
>>             v = unsafePerformIO (h z)
>>             f = \x. x+v
>>     So now the effect happens once only, rather than once per
>>     call of f.  Again you can control this by adding an articifical
>>     dependency on x.
> This is a very good example. The effect has to happen once per call to f.
> So what do you mean by "adding an artificial dependency"? Would for this
> example something like the following be enough?
> f = \x. x + myEffect x
> myEffect _ = unsafePerformIO (h z)
>> Adding these artificial dependencies may amount to exactly the kind
>> of effect analysis that Joesef suggests.
> Yes such a determinism analysis is a good idea to optimize functional
> logic programs and we have already done work in that direction. But I
> would not like to turn those programs into a monad which we cannot prove
> to be deterministic. Your hint of "adding artificial dependencies"
> sounds more promising.


unsafePerformIODependingOn :: dep -> IO a -> a
{-# NOINLINE unsafePerformIODependingOn #-}
--is that pragma enough to avoid strictness/unused-ness analysis?
--use 'lazy'? compile the module this is defined in with -O0?
--I don't think seq'ing dep is desired.
unsafePerformIODependingOn dep a = unsafePerformIO a

f = \x. x + unsafePerformIODependingOn (x) (h z)
--use a tuple if there are multiple variables you depend on

also, do you care if the same `unsafePerformIO` is repeatedly performed 
more than once for no reason?


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