Low-level array performance

Simon Marlow marlowsd at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 06:48:59 EDT 2008

Dan Doel wrote:

> Issue 2: Reading from/writing to a MutableByteArray# is slower than an Addr#
> This is, I think, the crux of the issue. The main content of the benchmark is 
> reversing/shifting items in an array. To get a somewhat easier look at the 
> core, I boiled things down to a benchmark that just reverses a small array 
> many times. In the interest of further reducing things, I wrote a version of 
> the benchmark that uses raw Addr#s, and a version that uses raw 
> MutableByteArray#s. I've attached both versions.

So I tried your examples and the Addr# version looks slower than the MBA# 

$ ./Ptr 100 1000000 +RTS -sstderr
  48,196,560 bytes allocated in the heap
  27,381,764 bytes copied during GC (scavenged)
  18,260,784 bytes copied during GC (not scavenged)
  14,389,248 bytes maximum residency (5 sample(s))

          92 collections in generation 0 (  0.09s)
           5 collections in generation 1 (  0.13s)

          28 Mb total memory in use

   INIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
   MUT   time    0.68s  (  0.69s elapsed)
   GC    time    0.22s  (  0.28s elapsed)
   EXIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
   Total time    0.90s  (  0.97s elapsed)

$ ./ByteArr 100 1000000 +RTS -sstderr
   4,042,700 bytes allocated in the heap
       1,272 bytes copied during GC (scavenged)
           0 bytes copied during GC (not scavenged)
      16,384 bytes maximum residency (1 sample(s))

           2 collections in generation 0 (  0.00s)
           1 collections in generation 1 (  0.00s)

           5 Mb total memory in use

   INIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
   MUT   time    0.53s  (  0.54s elapsed)
   GC    time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
   EXIT  time    0.00s  (  0.00s elapsed)
   Total time    0.53s  (  0.54s elapsed)

I tried with 6.8.2 and 6.8.3, using -O2 in both cases.  I tried the Ptr 
version with and without -fvia-C -optc-O2, no difference.

Are these exactly the same programs you measured?  What parameters did you use?


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