Library-vs-local performance

Scott Dillard sedillard at
Tue Jun 24 18:05:46 EDT 2008

On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 3:51 PM, Don Stewart <dons at> wrote:

> >
> >    I've taken all optimization flags out of the .cabal file. They don't
> have
> >    any effect. My understanding of things is this: (please correct if
> wrong)
> >    All functions have inline pragmas, and all are small (1 or 2 lines) so
> >    their definitions are all spewed into the .hi files. So in both
> scenarios
> >    (library vs local) GHC can "see" the whole library. Since every
> function
> >    is inlined, it doesn't matter what flags the library is compiled with.
> >    That compiled code will never be used so long as the application is
> >    compiled with optimization on.
> You might want to give the simplifier enough time to unwind things.
> I use, e.g.
>            -O2
>            -fvia-C -optc-O2
>            -fdicts-cheap
>            -fno-method-sharing
>            -fmax-simplifier-iterations10
>            -fliberate-case-threshold100
> in my ghc-options for 'whole program' libraries.
> Raise these limits if you find they're having an effect
> -- Don

Yeah I saw those in your uvector library and was going to ask: what do they
do? Are they documented anywhere? I can't find any info on them.
Speicifcally, what is the case liberation threshold? (Can't even find that
on google.) That sounds germane because the function in question is one of
the few with branches.

And what effect does -fvia-C -optc-O2 have? Those refer to the generation of
machine code, do they not? If the library is essentially a core-only
library, why use them? As far as I can tell, even -O2 is ineffectual when
compiling the library. 'Compiling' here is even a misnomer. We're just
transliterating from haskell to core.

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