Plans for GHC 6.10.2

Claus Reinke claus.reinke at
Tue Feb 10 14:19:53 EST 2009

> This is just a quick summary of our plans for GHC 6.10.2.
> If there is a bug not in that list that is causing you major problems,
> then please let us know.

Hi Ian,

I noticed that
keeps getting pushed back (now 2 years old!). 

Perhaps the summary is misleading, because the comments make 
it clear that the issue is one of "normalizing" the mingw layout in 
GHC's copy. If the layout simply followed the standard mingw 
layout - just omitting parts, instead of also restructuring the parts 
that are copied in, that would make it easier for other tools/users.

- special cases in cabal/etc could disappear
- mingw could be upgraded separately
- existing mingw could be used
- no surprise bugs due to unusual layout (picking up wrong tools)

It isn't causing me personally any problems right now, but this
looks like a straightforward simplification - delaying of which
causes unnecessary pressure elsewhere. It would also be nice
to move to the standard layout before any Haskell Platform
releases start relying on the current mess. Anything that makes
Windows less of a special case ought to help, no?-)


Ps. It is surprising that performance bugs don't get high
    priority, now that distractions like extralibs are out of the 
    ghc picture?

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