How do I add new dependencies and source files into the build system?

Colin Paul Adams colin at
Sun Mar 22 12:30:47 EDT 2009

>>>>> "Donnie" == Donnie Jones <donnie at> writes:

    Donnie> Hello Colin, I believe you should edit
    Donnie> compiler/ -- I believe this file is the input
    Donnie> for cabal and used to create the ghc.cabal which gets
    Donnie> re-created at ./configure.

    Donnie> Also, you may want to look into Ways
    Donnie> (compiler/main/StaticFlags.hs and mk/ if you
    Donnie> plan on adding any compile-time (static) flags.

    Donnie> Hope that helps.  -- Donnie Jones

Yes, thanks.
Colin Adams
Preston Lancashire

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