Quasi quoting

Sebastian Fischer sebf at informatik.uni-kiel.de
Wed Feb 3 18:28:45 EST 2010

On Feb 3, 2010, at 6:13 PM, Max Bolingbroke wrote:

>> With a class-based approach only one parser that creates values of  
>> the same
>> type could be used in a program.
> This is not the case, because you still have an instance "Quoted
> String". Then you can write:
> $(myLang [|..|])
> Where myLang :: String -> Q Exp

Ah, you're right. I find an  instance Quoted String  a little  
confusing and would probably write  $(myLang "..")  instead. Hmm, this  
is more complicated if the string contains line breaks and  [|..|]   
would be an alternative string literal syntax where line breaks don't  
need to be escaped.


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