RFC: migrating to git

Neil Mitchell ndmitchell at gmail.com
Mon Jan 10 23:15:48 CET 2011

> As another non-GHC contributor, my opinion should probably also count for
> little, but my experience with git has been poor.
> I have used git daily in my job for the last year.  Like Simon PJ, I
> struggle to understand the underlying model of git, despite reading quite a
> few tutorials.  I have a high failure rate with attempting anything beyond
> the equivalents of darcs record, push, and pull.

I'm in exactly the same camp as Malcolm. I don't understand git, and I
end up deleting the entire repo and starting again every time I try
and do anything clever - something I've never needed to do with darcs.
I consider the git equivalent of "darcs unrecord" to be "rm -rf", but
I'm sure that's a lack of knowledge/intuition on my part.

All my git dislike aside, I wouldn't worry about git and Windows. GHC
on Windows already drags in plenty of dependencies from Cygwin or
Mingw, both of which provide workable git binaries, and none of which
ever seem to have caused a problem. The standard gui's (gitk and git
gui) both work on Windows, and I certainly miss them when using darcs.

Thanks, Neil

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