default instance for IsString

Joachim Breitner mail at
Thu Apr 26 00:32:06 CEST 2012


Am Mittwoch, den 25.04.2012, 21:57 +0100 schrieb Joachim Breitner:
> Am Mittwoch, den 25.04.2012, 11:15 +0300 schrieb Yitzchak Gale:
> > The only reason I don't like using OverloadedStrings
> > for typing string literals as Text and ByteString
> > is that when you turn on OverloadedStrings, you turn
> > it on for all types, not just Text and ByteString.
> > I don't want to be forced to do that. Because
> > all other uses of OverloadedStrings that I have
> > seen, and there are many, are ill-advised in my
> > opinion. They all should have been quasiquoters.
> another option, quick idea from a pub: Make OverloadedStrings work with
> re-bindable syntax (←needs GHC change, probably) and redefine fromString
> as you want. E.g, if you want to use alwas Text, just define
> fromText :: String -> Text
> in your module (and do not import the IsString method).

actually, this already works somewhat. Take this module:

        {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RebindableSyntax #-}
        import Prelude
        data MyStringType = AnyString deriving Eq
        fromString :: String -> MyStringType
        fromString _ = AnyString
        test = "test"
and see how GHC uses the fromString that I defined; it affects both the
type of test and its value:

Prelude> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /tmp/Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :t test
test :: MyStringType
*Main> test == AnyString

So what is needed for the OP to be happy seems to be either a way to
enable RebindableSytanx _only_ for fromString, or to have a variant of
OverloadedStrings that takes fromString from the module scope. Then he
could define a monomorphic fromString (as I have done) or define its own
typeclass that defines fromString only for desirable types.

With this class definition, declaring IsString instances as save becomes
a one-liner:

        {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, RebindableSyntax, FlexibleInstances #-}
        import Prelude
        import qualified GHC.Exts 
        import Data.Text
        class GHC.Exts.IsString a => SafeIsString a where
            fromString :: String -> a
            fromString = GHC.Exts.fromString
        instance SafeIsString String 
        instance SafeIsString Text 
        test1 :: String
        test1 = "test1"
        test2 :: Text
        test2 = "test2"

Prelude> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /tmp/Test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> :t (test1,test2)
(test1,test2) :: (String, Text)
*Main> (test1,test2)
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done.
Loading package deepseq- ... linking ... done.
Loading package text- ... linking ... done.

Note that if I’d also add

        import Data.ByteString.Char8
        test3 :: ByteString
        test3 = "test3"

I’d get
*Main> :r
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( /tmp/Test.hs, interpreted )

    No instance for (SafeIsString ByteString)
      arising from the literal `"test3"'
    Possible fix:
      add an instance declaration for (SafeIsString ByteString)
    In the expression: "test3"
    In an equation for `test3': test3 = "test3"
Failed, modules loaded: none.

so I am guaranteed not to accidentally call a fromString from an
instance that I have not allowed.


PS: Personally, I don’t really think there is a big problem, but
anyways, here is a solution :-)

Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
  mail at  |  nomeata at  |  GPG: 0x4743206C
  xmpp: nomeata at |

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