profiling and backtracing blues

Simon Peyton-Jones simonpj at
Fri Mar 16 09:03:17 CET 2012

Yes, that'll be it.  You probably don't care about the annotations when doing it for this purpose?  We can probably have a flag to make it ignore annotations; or always do so if the interpreter is not on.  That way you would not have to comment it out. 


| -----Original Message-----
| From: glasgow-haskell-users-bounces at [mailto:glasgow-haskell-
| users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Ranjit Jhala
| Sent: 15 March 2012 18:30
| To: Simon Marlow
| Cc: ghc-users
| Subject: Re: profiling and backtracing blues
| Dear Simon,
| Thanks for clarifying this!
| > the only way to get to hscCompileCoreExpr is by compiling a module that
| contains
| > some Template Haskell or quasiquotes.  Could that be the case?
| Looks like this is may indeed be the case. The module that is getting
| compiled (via the chain)
|        	mod_guts <- coreModule `fmap` (desugarModule =<< typecheckModule
| =<< parseModule modSummary)
| contains an import
| 	import MyModule
| which looks like this:
| 	module MyModule where
| 	{-# ANN crash "forall a . x:{v:Bool | (? v)} -> a" #-}
| 	crash :: Bool -> a
| 	crash b = undefined
| I'm guessing the ANN is to blame, i.e. it tickles the TH/QQ machinery?
| (Commenting the ANN line out causes the thing to work just fine...)
| Thanks!
| Ranjit.
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