[GUI] More points for the technical discussion

Nick Name nick.name@inwind.it
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 21:45:05 +0100

On Sun, 16 Feb 2003 21:33:40 +0100
Nick Name <nick.name@inwind.it> wrote:

>  dialogYesNoCancel verb otherArguments = ...
>  on windows it would display verb in the titlebar and yes no cancel
>  buttons, on osx and kde environments (yes, kde3 also has verbose
>  dialog buttons) it would display "don't "++verb, verb, cancel

Yes, but I am a little stupid :) In Italian, just for example, "save"
and "don't save" are "salva" and "non salvare". We cannot expect an
haskell library to conjugate verbs...