[GUI] GUI on MacBook Pro

Arthur van Leeuwen arthurvl at cs.uu.nl
Mon Aug 4 04:04:03 EDT 2008

On 4 aug 2008, at 04:03, Manuel M T Chakravarty wrote:

> Hi George,
>> Anyone developing with Haskell on a MacBook (Intel x86_64 processor)?
>> I am particularly interested in any experience with getting a GUI up
>> and running.
> I think this mailing list is long defunct.
> Anyway, I am actually a Mac user, too.  I think GUI library support  
> for Macs is rather underdeveloped in Haskell right now :/  There is  
> no particular reason, except that nobody put in the required work.   
> This is for Mac-specific GUI support.  If you are willing to go via  
> X11, the Gtk2Hs bindings <http://www.haskell.org/gtk2hs/> work on  
> Mac OS X, too.

Just to provide the obligatory 'other' datapoint: wxHaskell does work  
on Mac OS X
albeit requiring an extra call to register the resources so that an  
application can
actually put up its interface. Plus, it is somewhat more maintained  
than the
Haskell-Objective C bindings.

With kind regards, Arthur van Leeuwen.


Arthur van Leeuwen
arthurvl at cs.uu.nl

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