[Hackathon] Accommodations grouping

Reinier Lamers tux_rocker at reinier.de
Wed Feb 3 14:59:14 EST 2010

Hi all,

Op woensdag 03 februari 2010 17:35 schreef Sean Leather:
> I'm interested, also coming from Utrecht. I haven't started planning, yet,
> but I would be happy to share a room with anybody, anywhere.
> I think I'll go by train. Does the train from here go through Karlsruhe?

The fastest connection on March 18th goes through Karlsruhe. It leaves Utrecht 
at 10:59 and Karlsruhe at 16:00. I, however, go by plane from Amsterdam to 
Basel on the way there, because I get a bit paranoid when I see the 
"unbekannter Auslandstarif" in the bahn.de trip planner. I realize now that 
this is inconsistent because I still assume the Swiss railways have a sane 
pricing scheme when they take me from Basel to Zuerich, but whatever.

I see that the CityNightLine from Zuerich to Utrecht also passes through 
Karlsruhe (leaves Zuerich at 20:42, leaves Karlsruhe at 00:18). This is the 
train that the other Utrechters and I take home.

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