Help with propositional formulas

Graham Klyne
Sun, 20 Jul 2003 10:39:41 +0100

There's a 'powerset' thread on this list [1][2] starting 4th June which I 
think contains some of the answers you seek.  Read and you shall learn!


[1] List archive:

[2] Powerset thread 
(Read into the thread, because there are some problems with the code that 
appears earlier in the thread.)

At 22:55 19/07/03 -0300, Douglas O. Matoso wrote:
>I have an school assignment that asks to implement an truth table of
>propositional formulas. I'm having difficulties in the following part:
>data Prop = Var Char | Not Prop | And Prop Prop | Or Prop Prop
>type Subst = [(Char,Bool)]
>- Define a function
>bools :: Int -> [[Bool]]
>that calculates all possible lists of logical values of a specific length.
>example, bools 2 should give the following list:
>[False,True ],
>[True ,False],
>[True ,True ]]
>- Define a function
>substs :: Prop -> [Subst]
>that calculates all possible substitutions for the variables of a
>For example, substs p2 should give the following list:
>[('A',False),('B',True) ],
>[('A',True) ,('B',False)],
>[('A',True) ,('B',True) ]]
>I would be thankful for any help.
>Douglas Matoso
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Graham Klyne
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