[Haskell-cafe] Re: [Haskell] Re: Global Variables and IO initializers

Keean Schupke k.schupke at imperial.ac.uk
Sun Nov 7 17:38:20 EST 2004

>I don't understand the relevance of this. In the example I gave
>we're not talking about an abstract data structure and the init
>function is not stateless.
Well, it works like this, to call any function in your library
you must present a state-type. The only way to get a
state-type would be to call the init function. Therefore the
type system enforces that initialisation has occured
before a function is called. The user would not need to
call the initialiser again as you would pass the state-type
between functions. The neatest way to do this would be
to make functions in your interface instances of a
state-monad-transformer that could be layered over the
IO monad.

>I can assure you that for the intended applications of oneShot it
>is vital that realInit is executed once at most, but the user must
>have the freedom to execute userInit as many times as they need
>(I.E. without the burden of having to keep track of whether or not
>they've used it before).
I don't understand this - If you pass the state type you
do not need to call init again. It would work like openFile,
which seems easy enough for users to understand is
called only once on a file to get the filehandle that is used
with the IO functions. You can call the state-type returned
from your library an opaque-handle, and treat it like a file

>So please, no more handwaving arguments about this kind of thing
>being unnecessary, bad programming style, or whatever...
I am only trying to understand the need for this. As it
appears the cost of using the unsafePerformIO style is that
certain optimisations need to be switched off, it seems it
would be better to find an alternative. If you could give
more details of the application someone may be able to
suggest a resonable way of refactoring.


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