[Haskell-cafe] Re: Top Level TWI's again was Re: [Haskell] Re: Parameterized Show

Graham Klyne gk at ninebynine.org
Tue Nov 23 04:51:02 EST 2004

I think this is a useful debate, because it touches on how Haskell meets 
real-world programming needs, so I shall continue in that spirit...

At 22:22 22/11/04 +0000, Keean Schupke wrote:
>Obviously without knowing the details I am speculating, but would it not 
>be possible
>to do a first pass of the XML and build a list of files to read (a pure 
>function) this returns
>its result to the IO monad where the files are read and concatenated 
>together, and passed
>to a second (pure functional) processing function. If written well this 
>can take advantage
>of lazy execution, so both functions end up running concurrently.

In an ideal world, it is certainly possible to separate the pure and 
non-pure aspects of the code, and do something like you suggest.  But my 
position was that I was working with an existing codebase (HaXml) which had 
not been structured with this requirement in mind, and I absolutely did not 
want to start from scratch (as it was, I was forced into some substantial 
refactoring).  This was one case where, in order to get any result at all 
with the time/effort available to me, I needed to hide the I/OI within an 
otherwise pure function.

Yes, there are better ways but, being a "Bear of Very Little Brain", I have 
to work with the tools, intellectual and otherwise, that are at my 
disposal.  Most software is not built in the optimum fashion, or even 
anything close to it.  I would suggest that one of the challenges for 
functional programming is to maker it easy to "do the right thing".  I came 
to functional programming with quite a strong bias to make it work for me, 
inspired many years ago by John Backus' famous paper, and a presentation by 
David Turner about KRC, and a few other things.  Many programmers I've 
spoken to who have tried functional programing have given up on it because 
it's too hard.

>It seems to me that as unsafePerformIO is not in the standard and only 
>implemented on some
>compilers/interpreters, that you limit the portability of code by using 
>it, and that it is best avoided. Also as any safe use of unsafePerformIO 
>can be refactored to not use it I could
>certainly live without it.

Well, I am concerned about portability.  I insist on using Hugs when many 
people use just GHC, and one of the reasons is that I don't want to get 
locked into one compiler's extensions.  But sometimes it is necessary to 
use extensions:  there are many features of Haskell-98++ that are almost 
essential (IMO) to practical software development.  Including, I think, 
unsafePerformIO (on rare occasions).  My touchstone is that I'll use 
language extensions when I have to, provided they are supported by both 
Hugs and GHC.

What's my point in all this?  I supposed it might be summed up as: "The 
best is the enemy of the good".


>Graham Klyne wrote:
>>[Switching to Haskell-cafe]
>>I have used it once, with reservations, but at the time I didn't have the 
>>time/energy to find a better solution.  (The occasion of its use was 
>>accessing external entities within an XML parser;  by making the 
>>assumption that the external entities do not change within any context in 
>>which results from a program are compared, I was able to satisfy the 
>>"proof obligation" of not causing or being sensitive to side effects.)
>>The reason this was important to me is that I wanted to be able to use 
>>the parser from code that was not visibly in the IO monad.  For me, 
>>treating Web data transformations as pure functions is one of the 
>>attractions of using Haskell.
>>(Since doing that, I had an idea that I might be able to parameterize the 
>>entity processing code on some Monad, and use either an Identity monad or 
>>IO depending on the actual requirements.  This way, I could keep pure XML 
>>processing out of the IO monad, but use IO when IO was needed.)
>>In short:  I think it's usually possible to avoid using unsafePerformIO, 
>>but I'd be reluctant to cede it altogether, if only for sometimes 
>>quick-and-dirty pragmatic reasons.
>>Graham Klyne
>>For email:
>Graham Klyne
>For email:

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