[Haskell-cafe] YAHT Tutorial

Christian Maeder maeder at tzi.de
Wed Dec 21 09:31:21 EST 2005


I'm surprised Hal's tutorial is so less known. I recommend (and send) it 
to everybody who asks me.

I like that it starts early with some IO and mainly promotes ghc/ghci. 
Hugs is a good tool as well (and I sometimes use it, too), but ghc is 
definitively the flagship with better error reporting, active 
maintainance and for producing fast code (if that is important).

It's good that this tutorial is freely available, but some people prefer 
to have a proper textbook.

I just wonder what happened to "An Introduction to Computing (with 
Haskell). Manuel M. T. Chakravarty and Gabriele C. Keller. Pearson 
Education Australia, 2002." which is also available in german as 
"Einführung in die Programmierung mit Haskell"

It's not listed under http://www.haskell.org/bookshelf/ nor 

Maybe it is hard to recommend a single tutorial without spoiling selling 
chances of others. In our teaching courses "Simon Thompson: Haskell: The 
Craft of Functional Programming," is mostly used. Others find "Paul 
Hudak:  The Haskell School of Expression" the best.

I just see that the recent tutorial version contains Parsec (good) and 
FiniteMap (deprecated) examples. I would appreciate the chapter 
"Advanced Techniques" being filled (but know how much time that would cost).

Thanks for your tutorial so far, Hal!

Cheers Christian

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